
A compilation of unique photos, videos, and articles surrounding Richard III; good blogging topics.
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Richard iii's Book of Hours - Leicester Cathedral has prepared Richard III's prayer book for viewers to read online.

A map outlining the funeral route for the reburial of Richard III throughout Leicester and to the Bosworth Field.

Communications which took place with what is believed to be the spirit of Richard III reveal some interesting information. The responses are somehow curiously detailed in answering some open-ended questions lingering unanswered today, all yet to be proven.

Medium Christine Hamlett took these photos at Leicester Cathedral nearby the tomb of Richard III. What she found in those photos is astonishing!

An article outlinging the places in York associated with Richard III and his family. Very interesting indeed.

John Ashdown Hill regarding the myths surrounding Richard III, and myths they are as the former king has not been found guilty of any accused wrongdoing.

This interesting archealogical the foods Richard had eaten from childhood until the end of his life, and the places he had lived. Fascinating!

After her execution during the reign of Henry VIII, Lady Margaret Pole, daughter of George, Duke of Clarence (brother to Edward IV and Richard III) and Isabelle Neville, was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

Founded by King Richard III in 1484, the year prior to his death. Herewith is a copy of the patent

The Many Faces of King Richard III

From the original reconstruction created from the skull via computer technology, the three faces of Richard III begin at left with the most recent.

Facial Reconstruction and Unveiling

The first video shows the actual and original facial reconstruction of Richard III, while the second video shows the unveiling of the finished bust by Philippa Langley at the Society of the Antiquares, 2013.

3D Virtual Tour of Middleham Castle

King Richard III - Final Journey at Leicester

Follow the path of King Richard III's caisson as it carries the former and last Plantagenet King of England through Leicester,
to the field at Bosworth where he was killed, and then to final rest at Leicester University.

The Throne of Kings

This Coronation Throne had been used by Plantagenet kings since Edward I who commissioned it in 1300. It would have been used by both Edward IV and Richard III at their coronations. Only three (3) monarchs did not use this chair for their coronations: Edward V, Edward VIII and Mary II. The chair, housed at Wesminster Abbey, is now over 700 years old and soon to undergo a much-needed makeover.

Richard III Quotes From "Richard In His Own Words"

Richard, "A High-Born Prince" † 'King Richard is a high-born prince, three fingers taller than I,
but a bit slimmer and not as thickset as I am, and much more lightly built;
he has quite slender arms and thighs, and also a great heart'
- Niclas von Popplau "An itinerant knight of great strength from Silesia, who visited England in 1484..."