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Latin Mass

The Traditional Latin Mass

The traditional Roman Catholic Latin (Tridentine) Mass served for centuries before Vatican II. It is still served today in some churches, however, it is now under question as to it's future existence. Stand up for the Latin Mass, the original form of worship!


Tewkesbury Abbey

Enchanting videos of Tewkesbury Abby. The first is an aerial tour of the Abbey and the second video of the interior. The story of the Abbey is a most tragic one, both in the blood that had spilled there, and for the loss of the Roman Catholic faith.


Tewkesbury Abbey By Drone


The Chapel of Angels is in devotion to the Roman Catholic faith, the one true Holy and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ, continued without separation since. The Chapel is here as not only a reminder of the faith of our earliest ancestors, but as an urgent reminder for all to go back to the faith as we enter into the last days, a time prophesied to come before the return of Our Lord.

Tewksbury Abbey

Was Richard III Ordained by God to Save Christ's Church?

The Last Roman Catholic King to Die in Battle, Richard iii's devotion to his Catholic faith and to the Blessed Virgin Mary, along with his favorite Saints, are very well-known among Ricardians. A historical recreation of the type of Latin Mass Richard III would have been familiar with is depicted in this section. Richard fought tirelessly against the Lancastrians, and had his death not been pre-planned by the opposition, later the enemies of the Holy Church, there is no reason to disbelieve that Richard III would have retained the Holy Church as the official Church of England.

How might Richard have said the traditional Our Father in his Brummie dialect?

"Ar fairther, weege art in heaven, hallowed be thy nerm. thy kingdom cum. thy wull be done in earth, as it is in heaven. giv' us this doy ar daily noggin. an' forgiv' us ar trespasses, as we forgiv' them that trespass anent us. an' lead us not into temptation, but deliver us frum evil. for thine is the kingdom, the power, an' the glory, for ever an' ever. amen."

Clare Cross, in Suffolk, is where Richard's mother, Cecily Neville, resided. The Clare Reliquary is housed in the Royal Collection Trust, the Queen's Gallery, Buckingham Palace. The Clare Cross, , is described by the Curator of the Collection:

"Richard III was one of the last Catholic kings of England. His devotion to his faith, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to St. John the Baptist, to the Holy Angels, to St. Ninian, et. al. was greatly displayed in his gifts and annuities to the Houses of Worship he protected. His family kept Trust as follows: "This cross contains a cavity which once housed fragments of wood believed to derive from the True Cross on which Christ was crucified. It may have belonged to Cecily, Duchess of York, mother of Edward IV and Richard III, as it was discovered near her Suffolk residence, Clare Castle. Here gold has been used to honour the sacred relic within."

In the year of Our Lord, 2017, Catholics around the world paid homage to Our Lady and her miraculous apparitions. A beautiful, virtual and devotional Lady Chapel has been added here for private veneration, and also to honor Richard III's special devotion to Our Lady. It should be the duty of the faithful to Pray the Rosary daily in accordance with the request of Our Lady. The Rosary is the most powerful of all prayers. Both Richard iii and his mother prayed the Rosary as did Richard's own niece, Blessed Margaret Pole, daughter of Richard's brother, George, Duke of Clarence, so pious in her faith that it brought her martyrdom. She was declared "Blessed" for her faithful service to God by Leo XIII, 29th December, 1886.

Click on the photo below to enter the Chapel and view an actual Tridentine Latin Mass. Further below, click on the author's nameplate to arrive at the book page. To read the book, you must login in the appropriate section.

Tewksbury Abbey Interior
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